

Disc Golf Frequently Asked Questions



Right Hand Backhand Throw – All INNOVA flight descriptions are based on players throwing right-handed with a back hand style.


Left Hand Backhand Throw – Reverse the RHBH flight path.


Right Hand Forehand Throw – Reverse the RHBH flight path.


Left Hand Forehand Throw – Same flight path as a RHBH throw.


The tendency of a disc to remain straight through most of the flight. Often times a desirable characteristic of a disc in windy situations.


The tendency of a disc to turn to the right during the high speed portion of the flight for a RHBH thrower. The faster the disc is thrown, the more it will turn, therefore an understable disc will turnover more upwind than downwind.


The tendency of a disc to turn to the left at high or low speeds for a RHBH thrower. Overstable discs are usually thrown by high power players and are not good for beginners.


An angle of release where the outside edge or left edge of the disc is tilted downward for a RHBH thrower.


An angle of release where the outside edge or left edge of the disc is tilted upward for a RHBH thrower.

Backhand Grip

A grip with the thumb on the flight plate, the fingers curled under the disc with one or more finger pads pressed against the rim and the back of the hand moves towards the target. There are many variations.

Two Finger/Sidearm/Forehand Grip

A grip where the palm is facing towards the target and the thumb is on the flight plate while the index and middle fingers are underneath the disc with one or both fingers pressed against the rim. There are many variations.

Hook Thumb Grip

A grip in which the thumb pad is hooked on the inside of the rim and the rim is squeezed between the thumb pad and the crook of the index finger, which is wrapped around the outside of the rim.

Thumber Grip

A grip in which the entire thumb, from base to thumb pad, is on the inside rim wall and all four fingers are on top of the disc. Used primarily for Thumber Rollers.


Escape Shot

Any throw used to get out of a poor lie or tough situation.

Touch/Finesse Shot

A floating shot used for accuracy in tricky situations.

Power Shot

A throw where high speed is employed to go over, around or through obstacles.

Go For Shot

An aggressive throw usually from the fairway to land in the basket rather than next to it.

Approach/Lay-up Shot

A safe shot thrown to land next to the basket rather than into it.

Fairway Shot

A drive or very long approach shot from the fairway designed to advance closer to the target or land next to the target from a distance.


A throw where most of the distance comes from rolling the disc on the ground rather than flying through the air. Rollers can be done with a backhand grip, sidearm/forehand grip, thumber grip, hook thumb grip or scooby grip. Different grips produce different rolling patterns for different situations.

Cut Roller

A roller that never turns on its back as most rollers do.

Overhead Shot

Any shot thrown vertically or with an overhead baseball throwing motion.

Tomahawk Shot

A vertical/overhead shot resembling the chop of a tomahawk. Discs are usually held with a two finger or hook thumb grip.

Scooby Shot

A throw using a backhand grip, hold the underside of the disc vertically next to your right ear and throw for a RHBH thrower.

Spike Hyzer

A shot thrown high with an extreme hyzer angle to land vertically.

Flex Shot

A Flex Shot is performed by throwing an overstable disc with an anhyzer angle of release down the left side of the fairway (for RHBH thrower). The disc travels from left to right then the overstability of the disc turns the disc back to the left. It is a very common shot that pros use.


An S-Shot is thrown using an understable disc to the left side of the fairway. The turn of the disc causes it to turn over and fly to the right side of the fairway. As the disc slows down it fades back to the left.

Hyzer Flip

A Hyzer Flip is very similar to an S-Shot but follows a straighter line. An understable disc is thrown very fast with a hyzer angle of release. The disc turns or “flips” up and brings its nose down in the process. This allows for a long straight glide.

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